How to Lose 500 Calories in a Day in 10 Easy Steps
To lose weight, you must expend more calories than you consume each day, regardless of the type of diet you follow. Cutting roughly 500 calories per day is a reasonable place to start for most overweight persons. You should shed around a pound (450 g) per week if you can eat 500 fewer calories per day.
Before beginning a weight-loss programmer, always consult with your doctor to determine a healthy weight for you.

How to Cut Calories
Try these 10 ways to cut 500 calories every day.
1. Swap your snack

In between meals, many people go for a snack or two. Snacking is acceptable, but select lower-calorie options. When hunger strikes, the answer is to have some healthful snacks on hand. Choose a cup (250 mg) of air-popped popcorn (31 calories), a cup (250 mg) of grapes and a low-fat cheese stick (180 calories), or a small apple and 12 almonds instead of a 3-ounce (85 g) bag of flavoured tortilla chips (425 calories) (160 calories). You may save 500 calories by eating nutritious snacks twice a day.
2. Cut one high-calorie treat
Every day, try to eliminate one calorie-dense food. You’ll save 250 to 350 calories or more if you skip the donut in the morning, the brownie or bag of chips for lunch, or the chocolate cake for dessert. Take a 40-minute brisk walk after lunch or dinner to burn an additional 150 calories.

3. Do not drink your calories

A 12-ounce (355 mL) ordinary drink contains roughly 150 calories, while a 16-ounce (475 mL) flavoured latte can include up to 250 calories. Even fruit smoothies are high in calories, with a 16-ounce (475 mL) portion containing up to 400 calories. A day’s worth of sugary drinks can easily add up to 500 calories or more. Save your calories for meals that will make you feel full, such as water, sparkling water, or black coffee or tea.
4. Skip seconds
A second helping might add up to a lot of extra calories. When food is served family style at the table, it is simple to keep loading your plate. Instead, fill your plate once and store the rest in the refrigerator. If you’re still hungry, try adding a second helping of veggies, fruit, or salad.
5. Substitute low-calorie foods
Replace some of your high-calorie favorites with lower-calorie alternatives. Use plain low-fat yogurt or Greek yogurt instead of sour cream if a recipe asks for a cup (250 mL) of sour cream (444 calories) (154 calories).

6. Inquire about a doggie bag.

Most restaurant portions are significantly larger than the recommended serving sizes. Instead of cleaning your entire plate, request that half of it be placed in a container for you to take home and eat later. You may also construct a meal out of an appetizer and a huge salad by sharing an entree with a friend. Just keep the dressing and fried toppings to a minimum.
7. Simply avoid fried foods.
Any dish that is fried adds a lot of unwanted calories and saturated fat. Choose grilled, broiled, or poached chicken or fish instead of fried chicken or fish. Also, don’t eat the French fries. A large portion of fries can add nearly 500 calories to a meal on its own. Instead, see whether the veggie of the day or a side salad will suffice.

8. Build a thinner pizza

Instead of meat toppings, more cheese, and a deep-dish dough, try a few slices of thin-crust vegetarian pizza. You’ll shave off about 500 calories.
9. Make use of a plate
All meal, including snacks, should be eaten from a plate or dish. It’s easy to consume more than you intended when you snack from a bag or box. This is especially true if you’re watching television. A large bag of chips might have over 1000 calories, which may surprise you. Rather, put one portion in a bowl and store the rest.

10. Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages

Many people find that cutting back on alcohol is a simple approach to lose weight. Alcohol has no nutritional value, therefore when you imbibe (drink) it, you are consuming empty calories, which can range from 500 calories for some mixed drinks filled with syrupy sweeteners, fruit juices, and ice cream or heavy cream. Choose a 12-ounce (355 mL) light beer (103 calories) or a 5-ounce (145 mL) glass of wine if you do order a drink (120 calories).